On the 19th April, 2023 we had the great pleasure of hosting the National Symposium 2023.
We’d like to think that we assembled a perfect cocktail of knowledgable leaders in the field of advanced engineering focused on lean systems and robotics. Indeed the day was not complete without the engaging participation of the well informed attendees, the feedback was that of high appreciation of the engaging presentations, insightful discussions, and cutting-edge technology demonstrations on offer.
The Symposium highlighted the advancements being made in the field of robotics and how they are transforming the way we work and live. Robotics have led the way in improving efficiency and productivity to creating safer work environments.
The potential applications of robotics are truly astounding and National Symposium 2023 has provided the ideal platform for shared information leading to the advancement of lean systems and robotics in Ireland.
Mergon Group - Best Practice Site Visit
Later in the day we also had a very successful Best Practice Site Visit to Mergon Group, a very practical and hands-on demonstration of robotics in use. A very big thank you to all in Mergon Group for your cooperation on the day.
Thank You
We would like to thank all our speakers, demonstrators and last of all but certainly not least of all, all of the attendees and we look forward to our next symposium where we will be continuing to bring to you the latest in cutting-edge robotic technology.